Potassium Plus

Potassium Plus


Potassium supplement for peak muscle function.

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SKU: PPLUS5, PPLUS20 Category:



  • Supplies highly bio-available potassium.
  • Helps maintain optimum body fluid balance.
  • Helps counteract the stresses of training and strenuous activity.
  • Provides highly concentrated potent anti-oxidants.
  • Provides magnesium and zinc in concentrated form, critical for maintaining strong, well-developed bone and cartilage tissue.
  • Maximises muscle function for heavy sweaters, endurance and stressed horses.


  • Essential for the maintenance of tissue fluid balance and nerve and muscle excitability and function.
  • Reduces dehydration, allowing optimal muscle function in extreme environmental conditions.
  • Supplies readily available potassium, critical to efficient muscle function, especially in hot climates, due to large amounts of potassium being lost during intense muscle activity and sweating.
  • Replenishes potassium lost through urine excretion in stressed horses.  Supplementation is recommended, particularly when horses are ‘training off’.
  • Includes Vitamin E, which is a potent anti-oxidants critical for maintaining healthy muscle function during hard exercise.
  • Able to be used in conjunction with daily electrolyte supplementation of Salkavite and Neutrolene to reduce lactic acidosis.


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