Balanced protein, vitamin and mineral supplement for stabled horses and the equine athlete.
Balanced protein, vitamin and mineral supplement for stabled horses and the equine athlete.
Key Ingredients per KG
Digestible Energy 9.1MJ | Crude Protein 283g |
Calcium 64g | Lysine 27g |
Methionine 11.4g | Arginine 28g |
Threonine 11.6g | Magnesium 10.8g |
Potassium 9.7g | Sodium 1.6g |
Sulphur 5.2g | Iron 449mg |
Zinc 452mg | Copper 220mg |
Manganese 327mg | Iodine 4.34mg |
Vitamin A 50,000IU | Vitamin D 21,000IU |
Vitamin E 835IU | Folic Acid 42mg |
Inositol 30mg | Fibre 72g |
Oil 47g |
20kg bag
Avoid mixing through a dampened or wet feed/mash due to possible odour.
300-600g daily added to the ration. Ideally, pellets should be divided equally between morning and evening feeds.
To ensure optimal growth rate and bone development, Ranvet 500 Plus Stud Formula should be used prior to commencing training or high performance.