What should you look for in a hoof supplement?
There are quite a few hoof supplements on the market so how do you choose a good one and what should you be looking for?
Firstly, not all hoof supplements are the same, so you need to take the time to read the ingredients first and make sure you are getting good bang for your buck. There are certain ingredients that are essential for good strong, healthy hooves and without them, you won’t see the results you want to achieve. You also need to make sure you are getting the right balance of those ingredients for maximum effectiveness.
Some of the important ingredients you should be looking for in the supplement you are going to choose are
- Biotin
- Magnesium
- Zinc
- Methionine
- Choline
- Sulphur
- Gelatin
The product should contain most, if not all, of the above ingredients and in the right amounts. Many nutrients work best in conjunction with each other so making sure they are in the right proportions is very important.
Whilst looking for what is included, also check what isn’t! Sugar especially is something to be mindful of when looking for hoof supplements if they are being used on horses with restricted diets.
There are other things to take into consideration when deciding on what supplement is right for you
- Is it a powder or a pellet?
- Is the supplement easy to feed?
- Will it blend well with the ration I’m already feeding?
- Is it palatable? Are there samples available to test the palatability for my horse?
- What is the daily dose rate?
- Is it a trusted and well-researched brand?
- Does it come with recommendations or testimonials about its performance?
- Place of manufacture- is it Australian-owned and made?
- What is the price per dose? Remember – the price between packet sizes isn’t comparable! Grab out the calculator and work out costing based on daily serve for the best results!
Every horse is different and suffers from varying hoof conditions. It can be hard to choose the supplement that is going to work best for what you are trying to treat, so don’t be afraid to seek advice from your veterinarian or nutritionist on what best suits your horse’s needs, based on their current ration. After all, these professionals are here to help. Be prepared to monitor your horses’ progress to ensure the supplement you have chosen works for your horse, but do exercise patience; the improvements from introducing a hoof supplement can take months to notice as your new hoof grows!
Experts in Equine Nutrition
Every product in the Ranvet range has been developed to meet a horse’s most specific need at any given time, be it in a training environment or on a breeding farm. Having pioneered the formulation of specific medications and dietary supplements for horses, the company is now recognised as a leader in the areas of equine health and nutrition.